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DECEMBER 27, 2022

From Jim Fussell/Founder/ARTIST/DOMINO DEEDS.

I want to take this opportunity to say I AM SORRY for the recent hacker incident on the Twitter site JimFussellDD.

On December 14th a hacker posted over 100 of the same tweet, directing followers to some other site. This site could have been a virus, we are unsure. Luckily from what we could tell, no one logged onto the bogus site.

The hacker was busted and suspended. My administrators did a wonderful job at getting things back up and running after the disruption.

We have taken additional safeguards and protection added to the already sensitive site. We hope that none of our followers were upset at the interruption. It was out of our control momentarily.

We at Domino Deeds and our other platforms will always endorse and lift up entities like DESIGNED CONVICTION.COM as well as INNOCENCE PROJECT and THE VERA GROUP. All have proven track records and we respect them.

We hope that the twitter site JimFussellDD brings you informative topics, We are always 100% truthful and transparent. With over 6,000 followers our goal is to continue to grow and reach out to help others, if and when we can.

I want to personally say Thank You to all of you who have frequented our sites. We hope to have some news flashes to share with you in the very near future. We have four shipments going out soon for events and some potential partnerships forming as a result.

Again Thank You for your patience.. I remain

Jim Fussell
A154-973 M.C.I,
P.O. BOX 57