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Hello Readers. My apology for six six-month hiatus, parole board focus, and everything surrounding that part of my life. Exhausting not only for me but also for those closest to me.

Want to thank all who sent letters on my behalf, signed petitions supporting my release. After a COBR review which took 55 days, the result was a THREE YEAR continuance. REASONING CITED as follows:

“Incarcerated adult has served over forty-four years for the shooting death of two female victims. This case is aggravated by multiple victims, victimization, and community opposition.

He has taken some relevant programming, has maintained good institutional conduct, has good community support, and has engaged in pro-social activities.

However, he lacks insight into his crime cycle and would benefit from additional cognitive programming to gain insight into his thinking errors, and there is significant community opposition to release.

After considering relevant factors, the Board does not consider the incarcerated adult suitable for release at this time.

*Rescheduled for June 2026*.

There is substantial reason to believe that as the uniqueness of conviction significantly outweighs the incarcerated individual’s rehabilitative efforts, the release into society would create undue risk to public safety, not further interest of justice.”

So that is what the Parole Board decision sheet reads. Anyone familiar with me can decide on their own whether the board got it right? Comments welcome.