I would like to take this opportunity to thank whoever gifted me with a Domino Deed Food gift. The private vendor ARAMARK sells real food online once a week, prepared/delivered on Fridays. This food is purchased by anyone in society by going toSHOP.I CARE GIFTS .COM.
Apparently, the person types in James R. Fussell, Jr. A154-973, and a menu pops up where you can select meals for a price. In my opinion a high price.
A double patty cheeseburger with tater tots runs about $11.75 and a double burger with boneless chicken wings and tater tots, cookies runs around $18.50.The food is delicious. However, ARAMARK does not put the sender’s name on the paperwork so it is unknown who sends the most welcome gift.
I have received four such gifts over the years, many in society are not even aware of the service. If the sender does not notify me, I have no way of knowing who sent it and my number one priority is to say THANK YOU anytime someone gifts me anything. Hopefully whoever sent the meal this week (I do not know what it is yet) will read this posting and accept my sincere gratitude.
I love to eat and real food is something you rarely find inside of a prison. I never get sick of pizza, burgers, chicken strips, boneless chicken wings (hate boned chicken wings), and tater tots. Probably because they are a luxury I seldom see. The other items they sell are not of interest to me, I am not a fish eater so that limits my pallet.
Incarcerated individuals are only permitted to receive a $20.00 order of food once per week. It can be a combination of food items as long as it does not exceed the $20.00 limit. May be wiggle room for tax, not sure how that works. While I am not accustomed to receiving Domino Deed Gifts for myself, (the shoe is always on the other foot), I admit it is very nice and I am very much appreciative and sincerely thankful. I was taught to always thank kindness, so hopefully, the sender will reach out to me and let me know that they were responsible for this act of kindness.
I hope that everyone following the Domino Deed pages as well as the Twitter JimFussellDD site, that all of you will remain healthy and know that I deeply appreciate all of you. I want to especially thank the administrators of all things Domino Deeds. They are a wonderful collection of intelligent, fun, insightful women and it is a pure joy being part of a team of individuals who make things happen. I want to say Thank You to them as well. I hope to submit more tweets soon, touching on subjects that are of interest. Always eager for feedback. Wishing the best always, Happy New Year to all.
Jim Fussell
Artist/Founder Domino Deeds