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Domino Deeds. org
August 7, 2020

Avoiding The Criminal Path
by Jim Fussell


Over the years there have been numerous adults from society who have reached out to me, wanting me to intervene in a attempt to rescue their child from making serious mistakes.

While I will not list their identities, I feel it is important to protect their personal information. Most instances involve young people of high school age. T.V. tends to make prison seem like a cool place to end up inside. I have found myself in a position to show these youth that prison is far different than what is portrayed on the big screen, it is not cool.

This segment hopefully will be a place where adults can share with their child, or share with someone who has been skirting illegal behavior, to open that young persons eyes.

For this to work, it is necessary for anyone who logs on, when discussing their young persons personal information, to use alias or maybe just first name. I do not want to know last names or contact information.

I will field questions. I welcome any topic however I reserve the right to speak on something that may be problematic. It is not my intent to preach or lecture. Anyone knows, it does no good to tell kids to not do something, it works better to show them how I may have encountered a similar situation and my actions did not turn out so well.

I have no problem using myself as a example. My past is full of misdeeds and if someone has a specific concern that I myself have never experience, I have fellow cons that have walked in your shoes and I can pick their brain to see just what made them tick.

Domino Deeds is all about helping others. We strive to expand and this venture is new. I know of no other outlet where anyone in society can log onto a site and have one on one interaction with someone inside prison.

I have been locked up since 1978, over four decades. My experiences qualify me to offer valuable insight. There is no fee, no strings attached. We at Domino Deeds merely ask you to get back on the right track with your life and as you mature, hopefully you can reach out and mentor someone in your path. If we lift one another up during our rocky times, maybe in the future the prisons and jails will become less crowded.

There are no manuals, self help books that cover something like this, we are taking ground breaking steps to reach out. Our goal is to help today’s youth be all they can be. Everyone has a story, we are here to help you understand and to maybe not feel alone, or feel like something is wrong with you. As humans, no matter our age, race, sexual preference, we all exist for a reason and we all matter. Each of us have valuable contributions to make on society and our voices need to be heard.

Everyone is welcome to log on, list your concern, tell me about the person you are worried about, (please use only his or hers first name or a alias) and as much as you can about his or hers behavior that seems alarming.

If you are a Parent or legal guardian of a minor, please arranged for some adult to supervise any/all email activity. Laws in various states vary and I must protect myself.

I hope that you will reach out. If you have tried everything and a young person that you know, is taking risks that are unacceptable, maybe desperate times call for desperate measures, think about your options. What do you have to lose?

I come in peace.

Jim Fussell
A154973 MCI
Marion, Ohio 43301