September 13, 2022
From: Jim Fussell/Artist/Founder/Domino Deeds
Please check out HUMANS OF SAN QUENTIN at as well as This group is relatively fresh on the scene but very equipped to shed light on a wide variety of topics.
They are fortunate to enlist the help of youthful volunteers and have developed a very impressive grassroots entity.
I recently had the opportunity to talk with Diane Kahn and Eddie Herena, both remarkable people. Eddie and I share TEDx experiences, his in California, and mine in Ohio.
We find that we know others from the TED world, Dahlia Cohen for example. A New Yorker who has traveled around the world extensively and been so supportive in prison-related issues, and success stories within and beyond those gates.
Dahlia has been a fabulous sponsor of Domino Deeds’ mission. She continues to gift individuals in other countries with paintings of mine. An expensive endeavor that she handles herself.
Diane teaches adults how to achieve their High School education and Graduate. A major accomplishment for anyone to overcome, especially those behind bars. We applaud her efforts, a remarkable lady.
I urge all readers to check out Humans of San Quentin. You can make contributions to them at P.O. Box 417
San Quentin, California 94964 or connect with Diane or Eddie, or their staff to find/out how you can help. Not everything in life involves money, maybe by simply sharing their contact info on your social media, that in itself will provide vital help to them.
Additionally, I remind you to please check out DESIGNED CONVICTION LLC at 1001 Cooper Point Rd. SW Site 140-223, Olympia, Washington 98502
or online at www.designed or check out their online magazines at Inside@designed
Cecilia Conley, the CEO is a remarkable lady who along with her husband Taylor, the founder, has created a refreshing outlet, providing various avenues of help/support for not only those behind bars but also those who have reached society and are building their lives.
Designed Conviction is an affordable, experienced establishment that provides friendly customer service, helpful dedicated staff, and reliability.
In our daily travels no matter where we reside, it is only fitting to try and lift others up and share what is out there. Scratching one another’s back is the best form of mutual respect and common courtesy. We are all on this journey together.
Everyone matters. Anytime you, a reader, logs onto any of these sites, please know, you are appreciated and valued. As a representative of Domino Deeds, I thank you.
The Domino Deeds team wishes to WELCOME a new Co-administrator from India. Harry is a longtime friend and we are happy to wish him a smooth transition.
With Harry’s expertise with social media and eagerness to help, hopefully, he can lessen the workload on the other co-administrators and bring layers of new ideas to share with us so we can in turn provide a format that continues to make readers feel welcome.
As we circle the wagons to unite in my fight for freedom, July 2023 is fast approaching. We will amp up our efforts. If anyone would like to help in the fight for freedom, I ask that you please go to
Please sign the petition once you read the cover page entirely and voice your thoughts in the comment section.
If anyone wishes to help in any other matter relating to this fight, please reach out to me directly by snail mail at
Jim Fussell A154-973 M.C.I. P.O. Box 57, Marion, Ohio 43301 or you can set up a JPAY.COM email account for James Fussell A154-973. Special note. JPAY will be discontinued in early 2023, all instant texting will be done on GTL tablets after that. As information is provided with details, I will, in turn, share that information with readers on all Domino Deed platforms including Twitter…JimFussellDD.
I hope the contents found above will be useful to readers. I want to thank the entire Domino Deeds Team of administrators, they are an awesome group of individuals who understand our combined efforts make us stronger and any success is a result of us as a group, not just one person. There are no I”s in TEAM.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I remain humbled by your attention and grateful for each of you.
Jim Fussell/Domino Deeds.