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November 18, 2020

It seems few are familiar with the changes a person goes thru once cataracts begin to form. Myself I have the fast forming type that have gone from 400 to 600 in 12 months and now five months after my last eye exam, my eyes have deteriated further.

The eye doctor here says once my vision reaches 700, I will then qualify for cataract surgery. I suspect I have surpassed that mark since anything beyond three feet or less is blurry.

Squinting seems like a normal reaction to not being able to see properly, although it does not help. Painting on canvass is more problematic and has created a few issues for me to navigate.

Having trained seeing eye dogs for six years back in early 2000 thru 2006, I have gained a different perspective on just what a sightless person must go thru. It is definitely no picnic and I am in awe at how they manage.

My Mother had gone blind from glaucoma combined with being a stroke victim and paralyzed on one side of her body. She dealt with those issues from 1974 to 1997 until her death.

While prison cataract surgery is far different than that people in society may expect, I am hopeful that once I get authorized for surgery, I hope it goes smoothly. I have never in life had 20/20 vision and I have no clue if I ever will, but I know the importance of our vision and we often take those things for granted.

This condition has enabled me to stop and think and to be grateful that I can at least see three feet in front of me, many do not have those three feet.

In this environment a person really needs to be able to see, to be aware of the surroundings. That need is vital in the free world also. We deal with what we are dealt and try to make the best of it.

I hope that those reading this are having good vision and staying healthy. It does not take much to disrupt our way of life. Sometimes our ailments cause us to revisit other peoples problems and become sympathetic.

Wishing all a good day.


Jim Fussell