Art And The Miracles It Unfolds
Art and the Miracles it unfolds July 28, 2020 When I paint my mind escapes the fences, bars, wire, and daily madness of prison life. I am able to climb inside the canvas and allow my past life of freedom, to transform into a unique scene with simply paint and a brush. None of my paintings are actual places, they are formed in my mind, and perhaps places I have been or want to be, are what you find with each finished piece of my art. People notice that I incorporate leafless trees in all of my paintings and they ask what does a dead tree signify. In rural areas farmers often use dead trees as landmarks when directing hunters or other farmers to find specific locations. Dead trees are also favored by wildlife, eagles, hawks, owls, and other creatures seem to be lured to those leafless trees to scout the rest of the world, perhaps for prey or to be alerted by dangers lurking. I have actually seen groundhogs climb one of these trees. I also use wooden fences in most all of my paintings. Quite simply, I love the rustic feel of wooden fences. They are more appealing than man made metal or stone creations. Additionally I always put birds in the skies. Some critics claim birds do not fly at nighttime. Well in my mind they can, and they do. True my birds look like M’s as pointed out by a patient in one of my art therapy classes I was instructing, I laughed and had to agree. These objects are all part of my signature work. You will rarely find a piece of my 9000 paintings that lacks any of those items. I do sometimes try to create a unique piece, perhaps a UFO in the sky, such painting caused a disturbance last year during a auction. Two ladies began to argue and get very loud over which one could obtain that particular piece. It was flattering. Anytime I paint my mind stays there, allowing me to feel as though I am standing on the roadway or sitting next to a pond or stream or carving my initials in one of the fence posts. It takes me far far away from captivity called prison. With each piece while I paint, I wonder and imagine just who will received that finished piece, what cause or charity will benefit and what good deeds will unfold from the gift I am giving away for free. Over the years there have been tremendous things accomplished due to my creations and virtually anything could happen. I stay grounded though. I know of an elephant that puts a large brush in its trunk and flings paint on a large canvas and fetches over ten grand per painting. Some of my paintings have fetched near $500.00 for charity but I am not in a elephants league. I not only receive self-therapy during my painting efforts, much needed therapy to reduce my stress, but I also help others and the stories, the tears, touch my heart and allow me to brighten others’ lives. When one of my paintings brings a smile to the face of a lady fighting aggressive breast cancer and when she is really feeling alone, she looks at my painting and feels that someone genuinely cares, that is priceless. She brightens my day just knowing that her day is a little better. When I am watching the news and someone somewhere is being interviewed and I notice hanging on their wall, one of my paintings, I feel good that someone cared enough to hang my creation, in their home. I wonder what silent auction they participated in or just how they came to obtain my art, who benefited by their Domino Deed. We at Domino Deeds ask people who receive a painting, to please document the domino affect they took part in and record it on the Domino Deeds site, however very few ever do document it. Having a journal would be heartwarming and beneficial on many fronts, but in life we can’t have everything we desire. Knowing that the Domino Deed concept is intended to prod people into doing a act of kindness towards someone else, knowing that a person behind bars can bring about acts of kindness and sharing love, those things are uncommon and make me very happy when I hear stories of just what my art brought about. Domino Deeds and my art, have reached countless countries, have ended up in unthinkable parts of the world. I hope to continue to reach people and to somehow get others involved. If one person can do so much, imagine if an army of people with a similar mindset, think of what could be accomplished. It is good to have empathy and to be able to relate to the plight of others. It is good to care. It is even better to take steps to be involved, to make a impact and to bring a smile to someone’s face. Saying you care is of little help. Showing you care speaks volumes. I hope today as you read this, you will think about doing something nice for someone in your community, I believe you care, or else you would not have finished reading this. Sincerely, Jim Fussell |